5G NR EMF measurements – Narda STS is ready
Pfullingen, Germany – Good news for all users of the Selective Radiation Meter SRM-3006 from Narda Safety Test Solutions. Looking at the new requirements for 5G NR, mobile network operators, organizations, private measurement service providers, and public authorities can also use their tried and tested 9 kHz to 6 GHz SRM-3006 for code-selective measurements of 5G signals. The EMF test and measurement specialist offers a software option for the SRM-3006 to enable code-selective measurement of 5G signals in frequency range 1 (FR1). This is similar to the well-known software options for UMTS and LTE. The hardware of the industry-standard instrument for standard-compliant selective detection and evaluation of high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) remains unchanged.
There is a newly developed downconverter antenna for the upper-frequency range FR2 (>24 GHz). Work on this new antenna, which in the initial phase will be designed for up to 30 GHz (40 GHz in the second phase) will be completed shortly. The antenna will downconvert the upper 5G FR2 frequency band to enable the SRM to show the correct frequency easily. The SRM can already make frequency selective measurements on 5G signals perfectly. With code selective measurement and frequency extension to FR2, the SRM is the all-round carefree package for complete measurements concerning safety in electromagnetic fields.
Germany and many other countries require evaluation of the maximum possible exposure level when assessing immissions. Where this worst-case scenario cannot be realized in practice, regulations prescribe the use of suitable procedures to extrapolate the instantaneous immission to the required maximum value (the regulation known as 26. BImschV in Germany is an example of this). The SRM with code selective measurement already possesses precisely this internationally recognized technology that allows such extrapolation for UMTS and LTE. This means that the measurements are independent of the actual load on the system under test, and the results are unambiguous because they describe the highest possible exposure level. Also, these measurements can often be performed without information from the system operator, which further enhances the independence of the results.
The SRM handles both frequency selective and code selective measurement, and focuses exclusively on the areas that are needed for EMF measurements concerned with safety and personal protection. One of its unique qualities is that it provides the features that are needed in practice. Technicians can get started with measuring using the SRM without having to input much. The instrument automatically generates a clear and concise list with all the data that the test engineer needs for the evaluation. Not more, and certainly not less. The other product lines offered by the Pfullingen-based RF test and measurement specialists are also future proof, ideally poised for 5G. As in the past, Narda is the company that still consistently covers the highest frequencies with its measurement solutions. Narda’s new RadMan 2 provides reliable personal protection right up to 60 GHz. The Nardalert Personal Radiation Monitor even goes up to 100 GHz. And the long-term monitors, too – both the broadband and the frequency selective Area Monitors – are ready for 5G in the long run. Talking of broadband measurements, the NBM-550 for example isotropically measures EMF from static fields right up to the microwave region (90 GHz). This means that even those frequencies that are still in the development phase of 5G are already covered.
For more information, please contact Accutronics or visit the Narda STS website.